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How To Identify If Your Crested Gecko Is Sick

Author: Veterinarian Dr. Abdul Basit Javed (DVM, RVMP)

Crested Geckos are one of the most beautiful gecko species to keep, and the unique appearance of their eyes has earned them the nickname "eyelash geckos." Like all living creatures, Crested Geckos are prone to various health issues. As a responsible pet owner, you should know how to identify them. 


In general, if your crested gecko is sick or suffering from health problems it will exhibit certain signs and symptoms, and their normal behavior will change.  


If you own a Crested Gecko and are concerned that your pet may be ill, you've come to the right spot. This article is an extensive guide put together by our small animal veterinarian on how to tell whether your crested gecko is sick and what health problems can affect them.

Following are some indications that will help you determine whether or not your Crested Gecko is sick:

  • Appetite loss  

When a Crested Gecko becomes sick or has a health issue, its appetite will decrease or it may stop eating completely. If your gecko is eating less than usual, there might be something wrong.  

However, crested geckos will also stop (or have a decrease in) eating if the temperature of their enclosure is not optimal, so keep that in mind as well. Crested Geckos will consume less food in colder temperatures.

  • Inactivity 

Crested geckos are most active at night, but you may notice them moving around in their enclosure during the day. If your gecko is not moving at all and is inactive during the day and night, it might be sick. When geckos are unwell, they become lethargic and prefer not to move. Observe your gecko after lights out to see if they are active or lethargic.

  • Sunken eyes  

Another common indication of illness in Crested Geckos is sunken eyes. Normally, the eyes of crested geckos are bright and appear to be bulging out. However, when they are sick they often become dehydrated, causing their eyes to sink into the sockets.

  • Infrequent droppings  

If Crested Geckos are sick, they will defecate less frequently. If you observe there are fewer droppings in the enclosure of your gecko, it certainly means either they are eating less or there is a possible problem with their digestive tract.


Impaction and constipation are major causes behind fewer droppings in reptiles. You must see a veterinarian if your gecko has not passed stool for a few days. 

  • Open mouth breathing  

The breathing rate of Crested Geckos is about 20 breaths per minute depending on age, weight, health status, and other factors.  


Crested Geckos normally breathe through their nostrils, and you can see their rib cage moving if you observe closely. When a Crested Geckos is suffering from a respiratory problem or respiratory distress, it may start gasping or open-mouth breathing.

  • Swelling around limbs / deformed limbs

All reptiles, including Crested Geckos, are prone to mineral deficiencies which can lead to health issues such as Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD). Your gecko will develop swelling around the joints and its bones can become deformed.  


This condition can be painful for geckos as well. Supplementing the diet of your Crested Geckos with calcium can help prevent this health problem. We will discuss this more in future posts.

Crested Gecko suffering from Metabolic Bone Disease

Common Diseases And Illnesses In Crested Geckos 

Following are some of the most common diseases and health problems that affect crested geckos:  


  • Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)  

  • Respiratory infections  

  • Impaction  

  • Parasites (internal and external)  

  • Shedding problems  

  • Cryptosporidiosis 


Please see a veterinarian if you suspect your Crested Gecko may be ill. You can find a local exotic veterinarian with the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians' Find a Vet tool.



  1. Naguib, M. (2020). Metabolic Bone Disease. Vetlexicon.

  2. Oddblog. (2023, December 3). 7 Types of crested gecko sickness, disease, and other illnesses. Oddly Cute Pets. 


  1. PetMD Editorial. (2022, August 16). How to Tell if Your Lizard is Sick. PetMD. 


  1. Rendle, M. (2023, February 10). Gecko health problems: symptoms and causes. Myfamilyvets. 

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